
Colourful enamelware makes a great painting subject. First it has to be thoughtfully arranged and lit with a spotlight. Then comes the challenge of depicting the hard, bright, coloured surface of the metal.


More Backyards

More paintings from the Brisbane suburbs as they were decades ago. More overgrown gardens, stove recesses, gates and fences. Paintings from a time when Brisbane was just a big country town.


Backyards of Brisbane

In earlier times Brisbane’s houses and backyards were an unique combination of timber stumps, window hoods, corrugated iron, rickety fences and overgrown gardens. It was a challenge to capture the charm of the old way of life in a painting.


Orange Trumpets

Orange Trumpet vine flowers profusely in the heat of the Queensland summer. It clings tenaciously to the wooden fences in the older parts of Brisbane. The bright orange flowers make it a deight to paint.


Windows of the Soul

Windows allow in the light, the breeze or just the view of the garden and thus are positive and life affirming. Paintings of windows channel all these positive vibes and are a source of great encouragement.


Brisbane City Markets

Sketches and paintings from Brisbane city markets capture the spirit of life in Queensland. The casual and relaxed attitude of the shoppers reflects the laid back quality of life in the Sunshine State.



The large chalice-shaped solandra flowers make great subjects for sttill life painting. They grow well in sub-tropical Brisbane and paintings of them capture the essence of life in Queensland.


Queensland Verandah

A Queensland Verandah A good friend lived in a Queensland-style home with a big front verandah. She was a master craftswoman – especially of anything to do with fabric, so we had a lot in common. I visited her often with sketchbook in hand and sketched at her place on many occasions. We had great…
