Gardens and Pools
Plants, gardens and pools have been a lifelong interest of mine and paintings of gardens are often part of my work.
DetailsPlants, gardens and pools have been a lifelong interest of mine and paintings of gardens are often part of my work.
DetailsNasturtium leaves and flowers are always a popular still life subject. They are always colourful and sometimes triffid like, giving rise to a great variety of still life paintings.
DetailsI like horses and have many sketchbooks of horse drawings to use as the source material for paintings.
DetailsStill life paintings showing enamel coffee pots have been displayed as a group. Many of the coffee pots a vividly coloured.
DetailsMany different types of eucalypt produce flowers. These flowers lend much character to our streets and suburbs. The blossoms make beautiful subject matter for still life painting.
DetailsPlaces of the heart is a group of paintings around the theme of home. The paintings try to capture the peace we feel when we are in our most familiar place, the home.
DetailsBlue and white porcelain has been valued by collectors in many cultures and used in still life paintings for many centuries.