Nasturtium Still Life

Nasturtium leaves and flowers are always a popular still life subject. They are always colourful and sometimes triffid like, giving rise to a great variety of still life paintings.


Gum Blossoms

Many different types of eucalypt produce flowers. These flowers lend much character to our streets and suburbs. The blossoms make beautiful subject matter for still life painting.


Places of the Heart

Places of the heart is a group of paintings around the theme of home. The paintings try to capture the peace we feel when we are in our most familiar place, the home.



Dragons are a feature of the myths and legends of many cultures and is shown very frequently on blue and white porcelain. I have selected still life studies of dragons depicted with Australian flowers.



Early morning sunlight produces long shadows and heralds the start of a bright day. In Queensland we enjoy bright sunshine most of the year and we crave the protection that is provided by the shadows.


Blue and White

Blue and white porcelain has been valued by collectors in many cultures and used in still life paintings for many centuries.
