Brisbane City Markets
Sketches and paintings from Brisbane city markets capture the spirit of life in Queensland. The casual and relaxed attitude of the shoppers reflects the laid back quality of life in the Sunshine State.
DetailsSketches and paintings from Brisbane city markets capture the spirit of life in Queensland. The casual and relaxed attitude of the shoppers reflects the laid back quality of life in the Sunshine State.
DetailsSmall boats moving around at the whim of the tide and set against the dark backdrop of the mangroves make for an interesting subject for painting.
DetailsA Queensland Verandah A good friend lived in a Queensland-style home with a big front verandah. She was a master craftswoman – especially of anything to do with fabric, so we had a lot in common. I visited her often with sketchbook in hand and sketched at her place on many occasions. We had great…
DetailsFive paintings by Christine Atkins try to capture the flavour of Queensland.
DetailsArtist Christine Atkins has many vividly- coloured coffee pots but tends to choose a quieter one for her still life paintings.
DetailsThe use of a grey card when photographing paintings is of great value, even if you don’t know how to use the information yourself.
DetailsTake several outdoor photographs with a good camera as soon as a painting is finished, always include a grey card.
DetailsChristine Atkins has held many solo exhibitions since her first one in 1982.