Old Queensland houses have plenty of character and that is what I have tried to capture in this series of paintings.
Old Queensland houses have plenty of character and that is what I have tried to capture in this series of paintings.
Places of the heart is a group of paintings around the theme of home. The paintings try to capture the peace we feel when we are in our most familiar place, the home.
Blue and white porcelain has been valued by collectors in many cultures and used in still life paintings for many centuries.
Camellias flower in early winter when not much else is flowering. Therefore they make great subjects for still life painting at that time of the year.
Windows give character to a room by filtering the exterior light and atmosphere. Paintings of windows open a chink in the domestic interior, hinting of wider worlds outside.
Yellow cosmos flowers add a touch of warmth, happiness and sunshine to any still life painting. They bring joy to everyone who views them
In these paintings I celebrate the great needlework skills of the women of earlier generations who have left us many beautiful embroidered cloths. Sadly many of these exquisite works remain unwanted on the shelf.
Bright colours really stand out when combined with a dark background. I often use this effect in still life painting. I have a lot of blue-patterned cloths and when combined with yellow lemons from my tree that makes a great subject for still life painting.
A collection of still life paintings featuring kitchen utensils and chicken-shaped objects in ceramic and carved wood.
Blue and white ceramics have been popular in many countries over hundreds of years and they make great subject matter for still life painting.