More Backyards
There was a good response to my post last week about the older suburbs of Brisbane and many people gave it the thumbs up. Some responded with stories of how things were in Brisbane when they first came here. Some reminisced about life in outback towns with similar houses. It awoke in people a lot of good memories of earlier years. The response was such that I have posted some more paintings of Brisbane in the 70’s. So once again, it’s more pictures of stove recesses and back stairs, overgrown gardens and wobbly fences.
Not Just Backyards
I must clear up one misunderstanding. My next painting exhibition, the one that is scheduled to start in August this year, is not entered around the old buildings of Brisbane. There are a lot of different things from in and around Brisbane that make good painting subjects, not just houses. So my exhibition will have paintings of a wide mixture of subjects, not just old houses and backyards. In fact the images of most of these “backyards” paintings of mine were from years ago, before these houses were renovated. I am fortunate to have a large archive of images of my earlier paintings that I can draw from for ideas to post about.
Queensland Paintings
The idea that sparks my painting is to paint what I see, however sometimes it takes a lot of looking before seeing something worth turning into a painting. Examples of good Queensland subject matter include: the Ekka, the South Bank markets, boats in the local creeks, sunny verandahs and the flowers typical of this subtropical city. Plants from my garden and flowers from local street trees make good still life painting subjects. The work in my new exhibition will cover some of these topics.
Next Exhibition
My next exhibition of paintings will be held at the Metcalfe Gallery, Brisbane Institute of Art, from 27th August to the 8th September, 2021. Please send me a note and I’ll email you a reminder two weeks before the start.