Old Vehicles
The post features paintings of several old vehicles, left to decay after their working life has ended.
The post features paintings of several old vehicles, left to decay after their working life has ended.
Four views of the same veranda which looks out over a tropical garden. The sunlight stream in through the lattice giving a warmth and feeling of happiness to the paintings.
Bright colours really stand out when combined with a dark background. I often use this effect in still life painting. I have a lot of blue-patterned cloths and when combined with yellow lemons from my tree that makes a great subject for still life painting.
I went to sketch a group of horses and they proved very friendly. Several paintings resulted from sketches of this warm-hearted interaction.
The great variety of bottlebrush flowers makes for a great still-life subject. In this post I have shown some of my paintings of these great Australian flowers.
Houses with space enough to grow bananas in the backyard are becoming rare in Brisbane. Where once bananas were a common sight in the backyards of Brisbane, now such things are a coveted luxury.
A collection of still life paintings featuring kitchen utensils and chicken-shaped objects in ceramic and carved wood.
Paintings from a selection of Queensland beaches are shown. Many are very colourful, heavy with sunlight, filled with boats and umbrellas, others are gloomy and deserted as a storm approaches.
With the virus spreading in our community, I have gathered some sunflower paintings to cheer us all up. Their bright happy faces remind us that one day good times will come again.
We have all been feeling fenced in by the Covid virus. Here are some paintings of fences in case we haven’t already seen enough of them.