Farm Yards
No two farms in Queensland are the same and that makes them interesting as a subject for painting. The animals and the crops may be different, but most have some kind of heavily – built farm yards, usually near the house. Most of the places in these paintings are from the south east corner of Queensland, but I suspect that they could depict scenes common to anywhere in rural Australia. In our cities, everything is constantly being renewed, remodelled or demolished, but in he bush, the decades come and go and there is no great pressure for change. If it’s still standing, leave it alone. Many of the farmhouses depicted have a big, old tree near the house that has been there many years. These paintings try to capture a little bit of the relaxed way of life of our rural cousins.
Next Exhibition
My next art exhibition will be held at the Brisbane Institute of Art from 11th to the 23rd November 2022. Send me a note and I’ll remind you before my art show starts. Christine.