A Backstreet Laneway

A wall in Italy
Today’s journey is a trip around Italy where I have travelled several times with my sketchbook in hand. I find my spot and settle down to sketch, I don’t paint outdoors as a rule, my sketchbooks come back to the studio, that’s where the finished painting happens. Finding my spot to draw involves a lot of wandering the backstreets and usually when I do find somewhere, the light would probably be better at a different time of the day. So I note the place and the approximate best time and keep looking. The shadows have to be just right to show the rough texture of the walls. In fact it’s the light that works the magic on the old buildings. Lots of busy outdoor markets, I like that! Fantastic for sketching people unawares as they shop and chat! I hope you enjoy my paintings of Italy.

A Street in Italy

A Village Square

Markets, Umbrellas and Washing

The Red Door

Fishing Boats
My next art exhibition will be at the Brisbane Institute of Art in March 2024. Please send me a note so I can remind you before my exhibition starts, Christine.

The Entrance to the Catania Fish Market, Sicily


Window Boxes in Italy

Washing Lines

More Markets!