What is more typical of Queensland than a sunny veranda. Especially in the winter when the cold has disappeared by eight o’clock and the days are bright with promise! Curling up with a good book in a sunny place is what our verandas were made for.
The old-time builders knew what they were doing when they made Queenslanders high on stumps to catch the breeze and with wide verandas to catch the sun! Those less fortunate people who live south of the Queensland border don’t know what they are missing!
Bliss is having a sun-soaked veranda with a good cane chair, a cushion and perhaps a cat sleeping in the sun nearby.
However, life in reality is seldom like that. There are too many jobs to do and so little time. Even holidays are rarely relaxing. We tear off to some far away place, leaving the jobs at home to build up by themselves.
I have sketched this particular veranda on many mornings with the sun streaming in between the palings. Lingering over my coffee until the sun makes a perfect pattern on the mat. The veranda faces north, so the low, winter sun pours in until well after lunch.
In case you were wondering, it’s not my veranda, it belongs to a rellie!
Next Exhibition
I will hold my next exhibition of paintings at the Metcalfe Gallery, Brisbane Institute of Art, Windsor. Open from 27th August to the 8th September, 2021, 10am – 4pm. Please send me a note so I can remind you.